Scientists who recently studied the “Antikythera Mechanism” using high-resolution X-ray tomography found that it was composed of at least 30 bronze gear wheels, originally housed in a wooden case. The device could accurately track the positions of the sun and the moon and predict lunar and solar eclipses. According to Nature magazine, the mechanism is “technically more complex than any known device for at least a millennium afterwards.”
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ancient Astronomical Calculator
Scientists who recently studied the “Antikythera Mechanism” using high-resolution X-ray tomography found that it was composed of at least 30 bronze gear wheels, originally housed in a wooden case. The device could accurately track the positions of the sun and the moon and predict lunar and solar eclipses. According to Nature magazine, the mechanism is “technically more complex than any known device for at least a millennium afterwards.”
Friday, August 27, 2010
Two Shots That Changed the World
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@ Mary Evans Picture Library |
By 1914, long-standing rivalries among European powers had stretched nerves taut and produced two opposing alliances: the Triple Alliance of Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Germany and the Triple Entente of Britain, France, and Russia. Moreover, those nations had political and economic ties with a number of other countries, including those in the Balkans.
At the time, the area called the Balkans was a politically volatile region chafing under the sovereignty of the bigger powers, and it was rife with secret societies scheming for independence. There, a small group of young people plotted to assassinate Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand during his visit to Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia, on June 28. A small police presence made their task easier. The would-be assassins, however, had minimal training. One youth threw a small bomb but missed his target, and others failed to act when the time came. Gavrilo Princip was the one conspirator who succeeded—and only by sheer accident. How so?
When Princip saw the archduke drive by still unharmed by the bomb, he tried to get to the car but in vain. Dispirited, he walked across the road to a café. Meanwhile, the archduke, angry about the attempted bombing, decided to change his route. However, his driver, unaware of the change in plans, set off in the wrong direction and had to turn the car around. At that very moment, Princip came out of the café and was literally presented with a sitting target—the archduke in his open car less than ten feet [3 m] away. Princip approached the car and fired two shots, killing the archduke and his wife. A naive Serb nationalist, Princip likely had no idea of the avalanche he had just triggered. Yet, he could not take sole blame for the horrors to come.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Crops Helps Postoperative Recovery
The patients whose room contains plants experience less pain, required less medication, have a pulse and good blood press, and reported more satisfaction with their rooms than patients who did not have plants in their rooms.
Approximately 93% that have the plants in their room, consider the plant as the most positive aspects of their rooms.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Shetland Pony
Young Shetland pony identified from short legs, long mane and tail, and thick fur, which protects from bad weather in his native habitat. High ponies are usually 70 to 107 centimeters and usually black or dark brown.
Despite small stature, Shetland pony has a strong power. In fact, judging from their size is the most powerful race horse. That is why these ponies were used to transport peat, plowing the fields, and worked at a coal mine, the tunnel can only be passed by this little star. In fact, a lot of bangs that his life was in mine, never saw sunlight.
If viewed correctly, Shetland ponies are gentle and docile animals, making it ideal to accompany the children. Maybe because a good temperament, there are positive results are achieved when the Shetland pony is used in therapy programs for people with disabilities.
Given the attractive nature and its ability to adapt to very different environment, Shetland ponies have been exported to many clubs around the world and was established as well as the letter was made for her pedigree. However, this star's name is still associated with his native island, where the extraordinary race Shetland is still developing in a healthy and genetically pure.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dangers of Early Childbirth.
A study of approximately 15 000 newborns showed that for every week a baby still in utero between weeks 32 and 39, there is a decrease in seizures, jaundice, difficulty breathing, and bleeding in the brain as much as 23% .
whereas babies born at week 32 to week 36 is more risk of experiencing a mild problem behavior and intelligence.
So, the American College of obstetricians and Gynecologists suggested that the baby was not born before 39 weeks unless there are medical reasons for doing so.
Hot Weather Has Killed Thousands Of People In Moscow
Moscow, a metropolis with more than 10 million residents, has been buffeted by the heat since last June. Daily temperatures sometimes reach 40 degrees Celsius.
The crisis makes wilted as the wheat crop in Russia, cut its economic growth this year in the amount of billions of dollars and killing at least 54 people due to forest fires. Hot air somewhat subsided on Tuesday.
Citing a report by the Moscow Registration Office, then a senior researcher of ecology and demography at the Academy of Sciences of Russia, Boris Revich says 5840 more people have been killed in Moscow in July, more than in July last year.
Revich says he believes the vast majority of additional casualties have been caused by the tremendous heat.
"It was so easy to predict," said Revich at a briefing. "The only thing that made me ... I blame myself is that my estimate (of casualties) is too slow at the beginning of a heat wave."
"But we never have experience in estimating this terrible heat, mainly because we had never experienced heat like this before."
State Statistics Committee (Goskomstat) is scheduled to broadcast the data on casualties around August 20, said Revich. Figures of casualties for August will be aired in September.
Health department chief in Moscow, Andrei Seltsovsky end the official silence about the impact of such heat and smoke caused by forest fires that have blanketed Moscow since the end of July.
Andrei said on August 9 that the death toll nearly doubled to be 700 people every day, and heat into the main killer.
source : Antara
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Plane Crash In Colombia, The Only One Killed
Numbered 8520 plane flight Aires owned airline was already preparing to land on the island. The pilot''told us that would be landing in San Andres. We then put on seat belts. After the (belt) is inserted, a few moments and then boom! Big explosion happened,''said one passenger survived, Alvaro Granados, 25, who flew with his wife and two children. ''When my wife and I stood up, then look back, the rear of the aircraft were lost,''he said.
Indeed, the plane destroyed. Because, wheel slip planes in the abdomen. Because hitting the runway, one of its engines destroyed split. The fuselage broke into three pieces and crushed.
Ricardo Ramirez, a civil engineer who was in the plane with his wife, told Caracol Radio tells us that everything went well except the rain and lightning. ''Our plane was moving down to perfection. Some time back the plane would land. It was not an accident,''he explained.
Ramirez added that he along with his wife trying to break away from the seat belt. ''We're trying to get out of the plane because the plane had started to burn,''he recalled. ''A few moments later, a police patrol car came and helped us,''he explained.
Ramirez said that his wife was experiencing a shift in the bones of the knee. ''We're very thankful we're alive,''she said, as quoted by Agence France-Presse.
Several officials said the incident was so quick. The pilot did not report the emergency to the control tower on the island of San Andres.
Experts are now studying the cause of the crash. Because, they were stunned to see 130 passengers on board the plane survived. Amar Fernandez de Barreto, passengers who had a heart attack, also reported no injuries.
Manuel Villamizar, director of emergency operations centers in Bogota, told reporters that six people seriously injured were flown to the capital for treatment.
Colonel Donald Tascon, deputy director of the Colombian Civil Aviation Agency, speculated that the plane was flying low, about 30 meters, just before landing. That is what allegedly makes no casualties.
''This is a miracle and we should thank God,''said the Governor Andres San Pedro Gallardo.
14 Years Old Girl, Survived The Lightning Strike
This event occurs when Vowers was washing a car belonging to her parents in her home in Littleton, Colorado, United States at around 12:20. At the time sky is clear, the sun is too bright. Suddenly a flash of light struck her, immediately she felt sick.
"The whole right side of my body shook, my limbs are numb, I feel sick once in the elbow," he said in his testimony on video Vowers owned news agency AP.
Vowers then taken to Swedish Medical Center. Lucky he survived this incident. "I feel very lucky, my entire body is checked, a number of tests done, including my heart, I am very grateful, just a little thing on the nerves that are problematic," he said.
According to doctors who examined Vowers, the girl suffered only a little nervous disorders, none fatal. He will be healthy and normal as before the lightning hit.
source : TEMPO
Because Of An iPod, Japanese Trains Running Late
The train was stopped for eight minutes to find the source of burning smell it. »When the officer checked and checked the entire train, there is a passenger who shows his iPod is so hot and scorched iPod models is not clear which one until charred in the incident.
However, according to some reports several similar cases occurred in Japan in recent years. Four Japanese people also had minor burns due to the iPod. Japan's Trade Ministry has asked Apple to improve safety for its products.
Apple has not commented in this incident, but some time ago, the company is owned by Steve Jobs said the cases of 'overheating' are the very rare cases, usually occurs because the battery rusakya, "said Tokyu Corp. spokesman.
8 The most sadistic scientist who ever lived
In 1954, Soviet surgeon Vladimir Demikhov, revealed to the world's greatest works: A two-headed dog. Head of the puppies have been grafted into the neck of an adult German shepherd dogs. The second head will get the rest of the milk, do not even need the food because the milk flowing down the neck of sambungna esophagus. Although both animals soon die eventually because of tissue rejection, that does not stop Demikhov to create more than 19 more two-headed dog for 15 years thereafter.
2. Stubbins Ffirth
During the 1800s, a doctor training in Philadelphia, Stubbins Ffirth, formed the hypothesis that yellow fever disease is not infectious diseases, and continue the hypothesis by conducting experiments on himself. He had originally infected blood poured into an open wound and then try to drink the blood of those infected. He did not fall ill, but this was not because of yellow fever is not contagious because it turns out that the transmission should be via direct injection into the bloodstream, or normally through a mosquito bite.
3. Joseph Mengele
Joseph Mengele became known as one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of detainees who came, to determine who should be killed and who became a slave laborer, and to conduct human experiments on camp inmates, among those who knew Mengele as "Angel of Death .
At Auschwitz, Mengele did some research on twins. Once the experiment is completed, the twins were usually murdered and their bodies dissected. He supervised the operation in which two Gypsy children were stitched together to create Siamese twins, children's hand became infected where the veins so they have been damaged. Mengele was so excited with the blood of the twins, particularly identical twins blood He reportedly brought them to death.
Auschwitz prisoner Alex Dekel says:
"I never could accept the fact that Mengele himself believed he was doing serious work - not the way he careless about it. He just runs his power. Mengele mengelola meat shop - besar surgery performed without anesthesia. Once, I witnessed the abdominal surgery - Mengele remove the pieces from the stomach, but without anesthesia. At other times, it is a heart that was issued, again, without anesthesia when it was horrible. Mengele was a doctor who became mad because he was given power. No. anyone asks - why is this dead?
4 Johann Conrad Dippel
Johann Conrad Dippel was born and grew up in the castle Frankenstein, in 1673 at a place near near Darmstadt, Germany. He said as the original form of the novel Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein", even though the idea remains controversial.
After studying theology, philosophy and alchemy, he created an animal oil made from bone, blood and various other animal products, known as the Oil Dippel is expected to be equivalent to the alchemists mimipi about "the elixir of life." It is said that some parts in this work include boiling the various parts of the body in large vats to make some people crazy concoction. Dippel is known as the inventor of synthetic chemicals called Prussian Blue. He claims to have created the immortal fluid. Reportedly, the experiments were inspired by the character yangs according to a castle where he was born, Franskenstein.
5. Giovanni Aldini
Aldini was the nephew of Luigi Galvani. His uncle invented the concept of galvanism, when experimenting with electrical currents on frog legs. Aldini try to continue the experiment further. ldini perform experiments on dead bodies.
In front of an audience, he did experiments on prisoners hanged, George Forster. He's applying electrically conductive conductor rod in the rectum, until the prisoner began punching the air, and his legs began to kick and flinch. Applicable in the face of the stem which makes the body was clenched and trembling. His left eye open. And few people present feared the corpse back to life, and if true then he must return executed. One man was so terrified spectators, and shortly after leaving the area, he reportedly died.
6. Sergei Bruyukhonenko
Long before Vladimir Demikhov, Bruyukhonenko mad experiments on dogs led to the development of open-heart procedures. He developed a crude machine called autojektor (heart and lung machine). By using this primitive machine, Bryukhonenko keep some dog's head alive. In 1928, he showed one of the heads in front of an audience. To prove it was real, he was banging a hammer on the table. Head jerked. When the dog's eyes illuminated by the light, his eyes blinking. And when it was fed a piece of cheese, the rest get out of the esophagus, which makes a lot of spectators dazzled but also disgusted and unhappy.
7. Andrew Ure
Andrew Ure, despite many achievements as a doctor in Scotland, he is more famous for four experiments conducted on Matthew Clydesdale on November 4, 1818. The first experiment involved an incision in the neck. Part of the vertebra is removed. An incision is then made in the left hip. Then the pieces are made in the heel. Two rods are connected to the battery is placed in the neck and hips, which causes uncontrollable seizures. The second rod was placed in the heel, where the left leg kicked with such force, that it almost makes collapsed assistant. The second experiment made the diaphragm of Forster's chest up and down, as if he was breathing again.
Ure had reported that Forster is not drained of blood during, or neck is not broken, he believes he can turn it on again. The 3rd experiment showed extraordinary facial expressions that show when Ure made incision in Forster's forehead. Rod was inserted, and Forster's face began to show emotions of anger, horror, despair, sorrow, and hideous, wrinkled smile. Expression of fear from the audience was so severe that a doctor fainted on the spot. End of the experiment to make people believe that Forster's life. Cuts have also been made in the index. When the rod was inserted, Forster began to raise his hand and pointed at the people in the audience. Needless to say, many of the audience was hysterical.
8. Shiro Ishii
Ishii was a microbiologist and the lieutenant general of Unit 731, a biological warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. He was born in the former Village Sanbu District Shibayama in Chiba Prefecture, and studied medicine at Kyoto Imperial University. In 1932, he began his preliminary experiments in biological warfare as a secret project of the Japanese military. In 1936, Unit 731 was formed. Ishii built a huge compound - more than 150 buildings over six square kilometers - outside the city of Harbin, China.
Some of the many atrocities committed by Ishii and others under his command in Unit 731 include: vivisection of living people (including pregnant women who got pregnant by the doctors), prisoners with a leg amputated and attached to other parts of their bodies, a number of prisoners made of frozen limbs and thawed to study the outcome of untreated gangrene. Humans are also used as living test cases for grenades and flame throwers. Prisoners injected with inoculations of disease, with a program disguised as vaccinations, to study their effects. To study the effects of venereal disease with no cure, prisoners of men and women deliberately infected with syphilis and gonorrhea through rape, then studied. After being given immunity by the American Occupation Authorities at the end of the war, Ishii spent time in prison for his crimes and died at the age of 67 due to esophageal cancer.
Israeli Soldiers Posing With Palestinian Prisoners On Facebook
A former Israeli soldier posted photos on Facebook of herself in uniform smiling beside bound and blindfolded Palestinian prisoners, drawing sharp criticism Monday from the Israeli military and Palestinian officials.
Israeli news websites and blogs showed two photographs of the woman. In one, she is sitting legs crossed beside a blindfolded Palestinian man who is slumped against a concrete barrier. His face is turned downwards, while she leans toward him with her face upturned. Another shows her smiling at the camera with three Palestinian men with bound hands and blindfolds behind her.
The incident was a reminder of the fraught relations between Israeli soldiers and the West Bank Palestinians under their control.
Israeli soldiers have run into trouble on the social media sites like Facebook and YouTube before. Most recently a group of combat soldiers were reprimanded for breaking into choreographed dance moves while on patrol in the West Bank town of Hebron. The dance featured prominently on YouTube.
Palestinian Authority spokesman Ghassan Khatib condemned the photos and said they pointed to a deeper malaise — how Israel's 43-year-old occupation of Palestinians has affected the Israelis who enforce it.
"This shows the mentality of the occupier," Khatib said, "to be proud of humiliating Palestinians. The occupation is unjust, immoral and, as these pictures show, corrupting."
The Israeli military also criticized the young woman, who Israeli news media and bloggers identified from her Facebook page as Eden Aberjil of the southern Israeli port town of Ashdod. No official confirmed her identity.
"These are disgraceful photos," said Capt. Barak Raz, an Israeli military spokesman. "Aside from matters of information security, we are talking about a serious violation of our morals and our ethical code and should this soldier be serving in active duty today, I would imagine that no doubt she would be court-martialed immediately," he told Associated Press Television News.
It was not clear whether the army could punish the woman, because she has finished her compulsory military service.
The comments by the woman and her friend in an exchange below one photograph suggested how casually the picture was treated, including jokes and sexual innuendoes.
"You're the sexiest like that," her friend wrote.
"I wonder if he's got Facebook!" the woman in the photograph responded. "I have to tag him in the picture!"
Aberjil did not respond to reporters' questions Monday.
The photographs were a reminder of snapshots taken in 2003 by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq that showed Iraqi detainees naked, humiliated and terrified. In that case, some soldiers went to prison after the photos came to light.
The photographs of the Israeli soldier and the Palestinians, by contrast, show no overt physical abuse or coercion of the prisoners, although they are ridiculed in the comments between the soldier and her friends.
Palestinians are routinely handcuffed and blindfolded when they are arrested to stop them from trying to flee.
Herpes Virus To Cure Cancer
Doctors have managed to find the engineering of the herpes virus to treat patients with head and neck cancer. Head cancer, neck, mouth, tongue and throat suffered by many people.
"Actually, current medications can treat effectively if the cancer is removed from the beginning, but many patients are not diagnosed until the situation is quite severe," said Dr Kevin Harrington, leader of the study, as reported by the BBC News, Friday (6/8/2010).
Viruses are engineered to work with the way inserted into the cell, then kill the cancer cells from inside and also stimulates the immune system of patients.
Dr Harrington explained that the herpes virus, which is also being tested on patients suffering from skin cancer, genetically manipulated so that it can thrive in tumor cells, but did not infect healthy cells are normal.
Cancer treatment has three effects, namely doubling the virus, killing the tumor cells, and engineered to produce human proteins that activate the immune system and can also create a viral protein that acts as a 'red flag' for immune cells.
Royal Marsden Hospital in London have been using this engineered herpes virus in 17 patients with standard treatment, namely chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Reportedly 93 percent of patients who received injections of this virus showed a good result. Herpes virus can help kill tumors in most patients and found no traces of cancer after surgery.
More than two years later, 82 percent of patients did not complain about the same disease. Only two people who relapse from 13 patients given high dose treatment.
But further research is still needed to ensure that the herpes virus can be a powerful weapon to fight cancer. These findings have been published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.
source : detikhealth
There Is Between Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez?
Reportedly two young artists on the rise this is a conversation about the proximity of both of them. Both of them have mentioned the special relationship is more than just friends.
"They have a very close friendship since last year. That's an obvious thing everyone knows they more than just friends," the source said, as quoted from Showbizspy, Monday, August 16, 2010.
Both establish a close and intense communication. They often exchange news and stories with each other almost every day. "They often also go out together wherever if they are in the same place," she said again.
Selena admits that he tried was looking for a boyfriend. Apparently, looking for a lover not as easy as one might imagine Selena.
Interwoven love with a man only capable of running six months. He also surrendered. "In fact I have yet to meet anyone. But I was young. I do not need a boyfriend right now," says this black-haired artist.
The same thing happens also in Bieber. 'Singer' Baby 'is also difficult to get a girlfriend because of the popularity it bears today. So, could the fate of the equation that will make both of them together? We'll wait.
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