Vladimir Demikhov
In 1954, Soviet surgeon Vladimir Demikhov, revealed to the world's greatest works: A two-headed dog. Head of the puppies have been grafted into the neck of an adult German shepherd dogs. The second head will get the rest of the milk, do not even need the food because the milk flowing down the neck of sambungna esophagus. Although both animals soon die eventually because of tissue rejection, that does not stop Demikhov to create more than 19 more two-headed dog for 15 years thereafter.
Stubbins Ffirth
During the 1800s, a doctor training in Philadelphia, Stubbins Ffirth, formed the hypothesis that yellow fever disease is not infectious diseases, and continue the hypothesis by conducting experiments on himself. He had originally infected blood poured into an open wound and then try to drink the blood of those infected. He did not fall ill, but this was not because of yellow fever is not contagious because it turns out that the transmission should be via direct injection into the bloodstream, or normally through a mosquito bite.
Joseph Mengele
Joseph Mengele became known as one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of detainees who came, to determine who should be killed and who became a slave laborer, and to conduct human experiments on camp inmates, among those who knew Mengele as "Angel of Death .
At Auschwitz, Mengele did some research on twins. Once the experiment is completed, the twins were usually murdered and their bodies dissected. He supervised the operation in which two Gypsy children were stitched together to create Siamese twins, children's hand became infected where the veins so they have been damaged. Mengele was so excited with the blood of the twins, particularly identical twins blood He reportedly brought them to death.
Auschwitz prisoner Alex Dekel says:
"I never could accept the fact that Mengele himself believed he was doing serious work - not the way he careless about it. He just runs his power. Mengele mengelola meat shop - besar surgery performed without anesthesia. Once, I witnessed the abdominal surgery - Mengele remove the pieces from the stomach, but without anesthesia. At other times, it is a heart that was issued, again, without anesthesia when it was horrible. Mengele was a doctor who became mad because he was given power. No. anyone asks - why is this dead?
Johann Conrad Dippel
Johann Conrad Dippel was born and grew up in the castle Frankenstein, in 1673 at a place near near Darmstadt, Germany. He said as the original form of the novel Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein", even though the idea remains controversial.
After studying theology, philosophy and alchemy, he created an animal oil made from bone, blood and various other animal products, known as the Oil Dippel is expected to be equivalent to the alchemists mimipi about "the elixir of life." It is said that some parts in this work include boiling the various parts of the body in large vats to make some people crazy concoction. Dippel is known as the inventor of synthetic chemicals called Prussian Blue. He claims to have created the immortal fluid. Reportedly, the experiments were inspired by the character yangs according to a castle where he was born, Franskenstein.
Giovanni Aldini
Aldini was the nephew of Luigi Galvani. His uncle invented the concept of galvanism, when experimenting with electrical currents on frog legs. Aldini try to continue the experiment further. ldini perform experiments on dead bodies.
In front of an audience, he did experiments on prisoners hanged, George Forster. He's applying electrically conductive conductor rod in the rectum, until the prisoner began punching the air, and his legs began to kick and flinch. Applicable in the face of the stem which makes the body was clenched and trembling. His left eye open. And few people present feared the corpse back to life, and if true then he must return executed. One man was so terrified spectators, and shortly after leaving the area, he reportedly died.
Sergei Bruyukhonenko
Long before Vladimir Demikhov, Bruyukhonenko mad experiments on dogs led to the development of open-heart procedures. He developed a crude machine called autojektor (heart and lung machine). By using this primitive machine, Bryukhonenko keep some dog's head alive. In 1928, he showed one of the heads in front of an audience. To prove it was real, he was banging a hammer on the table. Head jerked. When the dog's eyes illuminated by the light, his eyes blinking. And when it was fed a piece of cheese, the rest get out of the esophagus, which makes a lot of spectators dazzled but also disgusted and unhappy.
Andrew Ure
Andrew Ure, despite many achievements as a doctor in Scotland, he is more famous for four experiments conducted on Matthew Clydesdale on November 4, 1818. The first experiment involved an incision in the neck. Part of the vertebra is removed. An incision is then made in the left hip. Then the pieces are made in the heel. Two rods are connected to the battery is placed in the neck and hips, which causes uncontrollable seizures. The second rod was placed in the heel, where the left leg kicked with such force, that it almost makes collapsed assistant. The second experiment made the diaphragm of Forster's chest up and down, as if he was breathing again.
Ure had reported that Forster is not drained of blood during, or neck is not broken, he believes he can turn it on again. The 3rd experiment showed extraordinary facial expressions that show when Ure made incision in Forster's forehead. Rod was inserted, and Forster's face began to show emotions of anger, horror, despair, sorrow, and hideous, wrinkled smile. Expression of fear from the audience was so severe that a doctor fainted on the spot. End of the experiment to make people believe that Forster's life. Cuts have also been made in the index. When the rod was inserted, Forster began to raise his hand and pointed at the people in the audience. Needless to say, many of the audience was hysterical.
Shiro Ishii
Ishii was a microbiologist and the lieutenant general of Unit 731, a biological warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. He was born in the former Village Sanbu District Shibayama in Chiba Prefecture, and studied medicine at Kyoto Imperial University. In 1932, he began his preliminary experiments in biological warfare as a secret project of the Japanese military. In 1936, Unit 731 was formed. Ishii built a huge compound - more than 150 buildings over six square kilometers - outside the city of Harbin, China.
Some of the many atrocities committed by Ishii and others under his command in Unit 731 include: vivisection of living people (including pregnant women who got pregnant by the doctors), prisoners with a leg amputated and attached to other parts of their bodies, a number of prisoners made of frozen limbs and thawed to study the outcome of untreated gangrene. Humans are also used as living test cases for grenades and flame throwers. Prisoners injected with inoculations of disease, with a program disguised as vaccinations, to study their effects. To study the effects of venereal disease with no cure, prisoners of men and women deliberately infected with syphilis and gonorrhea through rape, then studied. After being given immunity by the American Occupation Authorities at the end of the war, Ishii spent time in prison for his crimes and died at the age of 67 due to esophageal cancer.